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Local Governance

The West Somerset College Local Governing Body is currently made up of a team of six Governors including the Head Teacher. We have several appointed officers on our Local Governing Body. In addition to the usual positions of a Chair and Vice Chair, there are also link Governors who are assigned to specific areas of College activity; Safeguarding, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities; Health and Safety; Pupil Premium and Careers Education Information and Guidance. 


Our Local Governing Body will meet a minimum of four times during the academic year depending upon the volume of business. We can add additional meetings if workload dictates or create a sub-group to scrutinise a particular area in depth. Our Local Governing Body also has representation on the Trust Board. 


The 3 core functions of our Governors are to - 


  • ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction 

  • hold leaders to account for the educational performance of the College and its pupils, and the performance management of staff 

  • overseeing the financial performance of the College making sure it is money well spent. 


In broad terms, the main governance responsibilities of our Local Governing Body are as follows: 


  • monitoring the performance of and outcomes for all areas of education and curriculum 

  • monitor the clarity of vision and ethos  

  • monitor the safety and well-being of all our pupils 

  • evaluation and scrutiny of termly Action Plans 

  • monitoring finances and risks the College may have 

  • monitoring pupil premium spending, impact and outcomes 

  • reviewing our rolling three-year Development Plan 

  • approving local College policies 


The role of the Governors and the structures and systems needed to support strong governance continues to evolve and change. This position statement providing a broad overview of governance at West Somerset College will be reviewed and updated, as necessary, for each new academic year. 


Martina Forster 

Chair, West Somerset College Local Governing Body 

LGB Meeting Documentation
