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Work Experience
Work experience Year 10 and 12 : Monday 10- Friday 14 July 2023
Year 10 and 12 students have the exciting and beneficial opportunity to complete a week of work experience.
Undertaking a week of work placement can be a very valuable experience for students. It deepens their understanding about what a career in the placement area involves, helps them to understand their own strengths and areas to develop in relation to employability skills and can also give them first-hand experience on which to draw in future applications/interviews.
We encourage all our students to undertake work experience. During the work experience week there will be no Year 10 or 12 lessons. Those students who have not managed to find a placement, even with our support, will stay in school and carry out GCSE revision.
Past experience has shown that it is best for students to find the placement themselves. We will of course support them throughout the process. Many very successful placements arise out of personal contacts that students have through their friends or relations. Students must be able to get themselves to the placement, so it is generally best if it is a local placement, but some students do go further afield where families can make the necessary arrangements. In school tutors will be encouraging their Year 10 students in finding a placement and if more help is needed then appointments can be made with Mrs Ahern.
After placements have been found, a form needs to be filled out by the parent or carers. Each placement also has to be assessed to make sure that it complies with safeguarding and health and safety requirements. This is a legal requirement.
The deadline for finding placements is the end of December 2023.
Parents - please start to discuss work experience with your child to get thinking about suitable opportunities.