School Logo


An Introduction to Seneca

How to Log in

Students who have already created accounts using their school email addresses will automatically be upgraded and there will be no changes to account login details. Those who have used any other email to sign up will need to login with their school email addresses from now on and the use of the password: seneca2020.

If you have already created an account using your school email but can’t remember the password, you can go to to reset it. Please note that the IT staff can’t reset passwords for teachers and students – it is self-service.

If students have been supplied a class code for any subject

Once logged in, students need to click the ‘Classes and Assignments’ link at the top right of the page and then click on 'Join Class' button. In the box that pops up, they can enter the class code.

For more information about Seneca

Ignore the sections about Premium Plans/Pricing, as all students at WSC have premium access.
