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The world is rapidly changing. Many jobs open to young people today didn't even exist 10 years ago, whilst its estimated 85 per cent of the jobs that will exist in 2030 haven't even been invented yet! As a parent or carer helping your child navigate their future choices can therefore feel very daunting! We strongly recommend you take time to read this Guide to post 16 Career options for parents and carers. The guide takes you step by step through the important decisions and milestones facing young people as they progress through school, college and further education or training until they successfully transition into the world of work.
Talk to your child about jobs that interest them, and help them to research different careers or find out skills and qualifications needed to do certain jobs.
As you help your child with their career exploration it is important you:
- listen, don’t judge
- are open to ideas and encourage them to explore all their options
- keep in mind that your child’s choices and decisions should be based on their aspirations and abilities, not on what you think they should do!
- emphasise life is fluid! Not everyone has a clear idea what they want to do so your child's career ideas are likely to change as they get older
Encourage your child to:
- talk about their ideas relating to their future
- research various careers
- discuss their ideas with their tutor, teachers and careers adviser
- find out about the requirements for further training, college, and university entrance
- develop their skills by taking part in school and eternal clubs and activities
- get work insights through work experience and extra-curricular activities
- attend careers events at school
Our school careers adviser, Kate Watkins, is happy to speak with parents to help with any queries you may have about your child’s future options. Please feel free to contact Kate on: kate.watkins@westsomersetcollege.org
The following websites are designed to give parents information about all the options available to their children:
- Career Pilot Parent’s Zone – lots of information about supporting your child and understanding their choices: Careerpilot : Parent zone.
- Publication covering topics such as supporting your child on results day, debunking T levels , and topical career spotlights: Careermag - Parents - Careermap
- Factsheet for parents explaining apprenticeships: Parent-Guide-Apprenticeships.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk)
- Parent’s Guide to apprenticeships (updated each month): Resources for parents and guardians (apprenticeships.gov.uk) - Which? The Parents Guide to Uni: parentsguidetouni.pdf (colytongrammar.s3.amazonaws.com) - UCAS Parent, Guardian and Carers and Guide to Uni: ucas-university-parent-guide-2020.pdf (primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com)
- Next Steps South West Parent’s section giving information about university: Parents & Carers (nextstepssw.ac.uk)