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Media Studies
Media Studies -A Level
Examining Board | Specification Title | Specification Code |
OCR | Media Studies | OCR H409
Course Leader: Mr James Harper
What’s it all about?
Media Studies is a course that is modern, accessible and creative, yet has a renewed focus on the academic rigour expected in the new-look A-Levels.
Students will have the opportunity to study a variety of traditional media forms such as television, cinema, print media (magazines and newspapers) and radio and also modern media forms such as those based solely online or on mobile apps. Theory underpins all aspects of the course: this is primarily an examination-based subject and, as such, we will be learning a range of academic theories and approaches to writing about set texts.
Students considering taking an A-Level in Media Studies must be prepared for the high-level of written content. They will be helped to improve, but must be aware that this is not a vocational subject. A keen interest in the media is essential. They should be passionate about a range of different media forms such as television, film, music, print journalism and web-based forms. No prior experience is necessary, but students should consider keeping a media ‘diary’ over the Summer in order to reflect on their own consumption when starting the course.
There are ample opportunities for individual and independent choice and study. For example, the course can be refined based on the interests of the students taking it. Students will still need to keep an open-mind, and prepare to explore media texts and forms in which they have no previous knowledge.
What are the entry requirements?
5 GCSEs at Grade 9-4 including English and Maths.
What will I learn on this course?
You will learn to critically evaluate both modern and historical media texts and engage in a range of media-related debates. The coursework element allows students to develop their practical skills using multi-media hardware and software including cameras, audio recorders, web design, photo manipulation and desktop publishing.
You will study:
- News and the Online Media
- Media Language and Representation in magazines, advertising and music videos
- Industry and Audience in radio, video games and film
- Long form television drama
- How to create a cross-media product
How will I be assessed?
The course is assessed by two formal examinations (70% of marks) and one piece of coursework (Non-Examined Assessment) (30% of marks).
Your future progression:
Media Studies is an excellent platform from which to explore a career or further education in Film, Television, Radio, Journalism, Graphic Design, Marketing, Advertising or another media-related profession. Popular paired subjects include English Literature, Psychology, History, Sociology and Art.
Who can I contact for further information?
About Media Studies